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Ships and Vehicles

Page history last edited by Ragboy 15 years, 6 months ago


Ships and Vehicles


Note: These stats were taken from the excellent Savage Battlestar resource created by John Brown and Rick Peterson

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Cylon Raider

The Raider is an extremely fast and maneuverable fighter. It has the ability to operate in space as well as in atmosphere. The raider packs a serious punch as it carries 2 railguns and the ability to carry two tactical nuclear warheads. Raiders are also capable of transmitting an electronic virus to any Colonial vessel that is still utilising the Command Navigation program. It is also equipped with an FTL drive system. Finally the new Raider is, in fact, biomechanical in nature, incorporating a number of large organs ins its design, including an organic brain.


Typical Crew Skills: Piloting d6; Shooting d6; Lockpicking d6

Acc/Top Speed: 300/FTL

Climb: 80

Toughness: 15

FTL: Yes

Crew: Integrated

Notes: Atmospheric, Heavy Armor,



  • 2 Railguns (Firelinked) (Range: 500/1000/2000, Damage: 5d10; AP 68; ROF: 2, Heavy Weapon)
  • Two Missiles (Tactical Nuclear Warhead) (Range 500/1000/2000, 15d10 damage, AP100, ROF: 12, Heavy Weapon)
  • Virus Attack (Lockpicking raise indicates a successful infection -- if contested, use Repair on the defender side. Repair raise to eradicate the Virus).

Reference: Title of Scenario

Are you my mommy?

Cylon Heavy Raider

Unlike the standard raider, the heavy raider does not appear to be autonomous, instead requiring a pilot to operate the controls. It is used by the cylons to transport Centurions into battle. The Heavy Raider can carry ten centurions. It also has six railgun cannon and one missle launcher


Typical Crew Skills: Piloting d6; Shooting d6

Acc/Top Speed: 300/FTL

Climb: 40

Toughness: 20

FTL: Yes

Crew: 1

Notes: Atmospheric, AMCM, Heavy Armor, Spacecraft, carries 10 Centurions.



  • 6 Railguns (Firelinked) (Range: 500/1000/2000, Damage: 5d10; AP 68; ROF: 6, Heavy Weapon)
  • Missile (Optional Load) (Range: 200/400/800; Damage: 5d10; AP 60; ROF: 1, Heavy Weapon)
  • Missile (Tactical Nuclear Warhead) (Range 500/1000/2000, 15d10 damage, AP100, ROF: 1, Heavy Weapon)


Reference: Title of Scenario

Rock and Roll!

Colonial Viper

The Viper is the Colonial Defence Force's primary space superiority fighter / attack craft. Capable of atmospheric flight, the Viper is a single-seat craft mounting two kinetic energy weapons, as well as having hardpoints beneath the wings for mounting missiles, munitions pods and other ordnance. The Viper was originally introduced into Colonial service shortly before the outbreak of the Cylon War. However, it was the Mk. II variant, designed specifically for use with the new Colonial Battlestars that is best remembered. The Mk. II served with distinction throughout the Cylon War, proving a capable fighting vehicle that won renown across the Twelve Colonies and is regarded as one of the reasons the Colonials did not suffer defeat at the hands of the Cylons. The Mk. II remained in service after the end of the war, but was subsequently superceded by newer models. At the time of the renewed Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies, the Mk. VII was the front-line variant of the Viper design, retaining the Mk. II general layout but using fully networked systems providing superior battle management and fight information for the pilot. Ironically, it was the incorporation of the new integrated systems that prevented the majority of Mk. VIIs from being effective during the Cylon attack: as with the majority of Colonial Fleet, the Mk. VII suffered fatal computer glitches on contact with Cylon forces. While the problem could be overcome by removing the software based fly-by-wire upgrades compromised by the Cylons, this information was not discovered in time to be of major benefit to the surprised and hard-pressed Colonial forces. The Viper is designed for atmospheric as well as space-based operations. However, Vipers consume more fuel during atmospheric operations than in the vacuum of space: once in an atmosphere, the engines must run continuously to retain airflow over the wing lifting surfaces. Depending on the composition of the atmosphere itself, this can place severe strain on the Viper's engines Due to their wing configuration, Vipers may also suffer from poor handling at low speeds within an atmosphere.


Viper Mark VII

Typical Crew Skills: Piloting d6; Shooting d6

Acc/Top Speed: 300/1200

Climb: 80

Toughness: 20


Crew: 1

Notes: Atmospheric, Heavy Armor, Spacecraft.


  • 3 Railguns (Firelinked) (Range: 500/1000/2000, Damage: 5d10; AP 68; ROF: 2, Heavy Weapon)
  • Two Missiles (Optional Load) (Range: 200/400/800; Damage: 5d10; AP 60; ROF: 1, Heavy Weapon)


Viper Mark VII receive a -2 penalty to Repair checks to resist or remove a Cylon virus, unless the fly-by-wire avionics are removed. Removing these avionics reduces the Mark VII's climb speed to 70


Reference: Title of Scenario

Rock and roll?

Viper Mark II


Typical Crew Skills: Piloting d6; Shooting d6

Acc/Top Speed: 300/1200

Climb: 70

Toughness: 20


Crew: 1

Notes: Atmospheric, Heavy Armor, Spacecraft.


  • 2 Railguns (Firelinked) (Range: 500/1000/2000, Damage: 5d10; AP 68; ROF: 2, Heavy Weapon)
  • 2 Missiles (Optional Load) (Range: 200/400/800; Damage: 5d10; AP 60; ROF: 1, Heavy Weapon)


Reference: Title of Scenario

Are you my mommy?

Colonial Raptor

The Raptor is the Colonial's reconnaissance vehicle. It is the eyes and ears of the Colonial Fleet and plays a very key role in coordinating the Viper attacks against hostile forces. The Raptor is larger than the Viper and it's a scout/electronics platform, loaded with sensors instead of weapons. The sensors of the Raptor are the most sophisticated in the Colonial military and is able to identify hundreds of targets from great distances. The rear engines are also twice the size of the more sleek and nimble Vipers. There's a two-man cockpit where pilot and co-pilot sit side-by-side and room for about five others deeper inside the ship. Sometimes the Raptor is used by the Colonial Fleet to transport Colonial Marines for ground assaults or for infiltrating Special Forces behind enemy lines. The Raptor's sophisticated electronics can create disturbances in enemy sensors and can get by undetected. The Raptor is truly the most versatile vehicle in the Colonial arsenal.


Typical Crew Skills: Piloting d6; Shooting d6; Lockpicking d6, Repair d6; Stealth d6; Notice d6

Acc/Top Speed: 300/FTL

Climb: 40

Toughness: 20

FTL: Yes

Crew: 2

Notes: Atmospheric, AMCM, Heavy Armor, Spacecraft.


  • 8 Missiles (Range: 200/400/800; Damage: 5d10; AP 60; ROF: 1, Heavy Weapon)
  • Electronic Countermeasures (+2 to Piloting, Lockpicking and Repair to initiating or resisting electronic attacks. +2 Piloting to evade electronically sensored missiles. +2 Stealth vs. detection via electronic means. +2 Notice to detect via electronic means)


Reference: Title of Scenario

Rocketship Empires 1936

Note: Thanks to Edward Kann and his excellent setting for the inspiration!


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Wibault 73S.1 Fighters


Built in the early days of spacefaring, this ship is far inferior to most starships fielded by any other space forces. Used primarily as “planet hoppers” and enforcers on low-tech worlds, the Paraguayan Space Forces used these ships to devastating effect early in the war against the Bolivian Marines on Chaco, due mostly to the Gaines-Humbert flechette chain gun provided by Soviet advisors. Unfortunately, during the war, the Paraguayans outfitted the Wibaults with an inferior engine not designed for the rugged semi-tropical conditions on Chaco, thus they remained grounded for most of the war. Once they had won the war, however, the 73S’ were outfitted with better engines, though with limited space and weak airframes, the Wibaults are still inferior to most modern starfighters.


Acc/Top Speed/Jump Speed: 200/560/0; Climb: 20; Toughness: 10 (4)

Crew: 1; Size: Small;

Notes: No jump drive; Atmo-capable


  • Flechette Chain Gun 30/60/90; 2d8+1; ROF 6; shots 2000; AP2


Reference: Title of Scenario


Are you my mommy?

Junkers Ju52-IS3


Turnbull's Junkers is just that...a piece of junk. It is barely spaceworthy, and in atmo, the craft rattles, shakes and roars like it's coming apart. Though it has a nose gun, the thing hasn't worked in years.


Acc/Top Speed/Jump Speed: 200/660/slow; Climb: 15; Toughness: 27 (12)

Crew: 3; Size: Medium;


  • A couple of good hits will take this plot device down for the count. Ignore the toughness...:)


  • Non-functional


Reference: Title of Scenario


Are you my mommy?

Gun Truck


Typical Crew Skills: Driving d8, Shooting d6

Acc/Top Speed: 8/15

Toughness: 19/14/14 (10/5/5)

Crew: 3

Notes: Heavy Armor, Wheeled


  • Heavy Machine Guns (3) 30/60/120, 2d8, ROF 3, 250 shots, AP2 (3 belts of ammo each)

Reference: Title of Scenario



Are you my mommy?

Gloster SS.32 “Gauntlet”

The Gloster Gauntlet was the fastest ship in the British fleet when it debuted as a prototype in early 1935. Built around a bi-plane style, similar to the Fiat Stilleto, the Gauntlet borrowed several innovations later incorporated into more “modern” styled fighters to build a low-cost interceptor that performed well in space as well as atmospheric combat. Though the British government only ordered a few of the ships, several governments took sizable orders for the quick and versatile fighters, including the Finnish Space Forces and the Greek Star Brigade.


Typical Crew Skill: Piloting d8, Shooting d6, Notice d6

Acc/Top Speed/Jump Speed: 200/800/FTL; Climb: 50; Toughness: 14 (4)

Crew: 1; Size: Small;

Notes: Jump Drive 24 hours per LY; Rockets fire at -2 Shooting -- +0 with Targeting Computer

Weapons and Equipment

  • Bulldog 20mm Cannon (2 – lower wing mounted; 50/100/200, 3d8, ROF 3, AP 4 HW, 25 shots each)
  • Grace-252 Rocket Rack (Lower fuselage mounted; 200/400/800; 4d6, ROF 1-4; AP 12)
  • Marchilev Targeting Computer (+2 Shooting)
  • IGG Sensor Array (+2 Notice)


Reference: The Big Show



Are you my mommy?

Acc/Top Speed: /; Climb: ; Toughness:

Crew: ; Size: ;



  • Weapon sr/mr/lr; dmg; ROF ; shots ; notes


Reference: Title of Scenario

Supers Vehicles

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